5 Quick Ways to Freshen Up Your Look at Work

We can’t be the only ones who start out work looking lovely as can be, only to find our makeup sliding off our face by 4 PM. Sure, long-wear makeup can do the trick, but “long-wear” only goes so far when desk jobs are involved. Good thing is you no longer need to rely on your long-wearing products, we rounded up five quick and simple ways on how you can freshen up your look without leaving the office. Your nine to five face will surely thank you for this.


  1. Run Drops of Water Through Your Hair. Or if your styling products are just within reach, scrunch your hair using your damp fingers to refresh your hairstyle. Flip your head upside down and massage your roots for an increased hair volume, or use your palms to smooth unruly layers. If a super smooth look is what you’re aiming for, rub a dollop of hand cream in your palms and run them over the outer layers of your hair.


  1. Carry a Pack of Blotting Paper With You. If you don’t usually carry blotting papers around, then let this be a sign that you should. Blotting papers have a multitude of beauty uses like blending your concealer or foundation, blotting down your lipstick and dealing with your über-oily T-zone after a long day at work.


  1. Put on a Tinted Balm. You probably know by now that lipsticks don’t hold up throughout the day. Even if your lip colour is intact, there’s a good chance that your lips are dry as desert underneath. So instead of applying more lipstick on top, opt for a coat of tinted lip balm to moisturize your lips and give it a new touch of colour.


  1. Drink Ice Cold Water. Splashing cold water all over your face can help in perking you up, but this is out of the question if you’re wearing makeup. Instead, down a glass of ice-cold water. Apart from giving you an instant hydration, it’ll also be good for you in the long run.


  1. Curl Your Lashes. Instead of reapplying your mascara, just settle with curling your lashes before leaving the office. This will immediately open up your eyes and make you look more awake. Just ensure that you curl it gently if you’re already wearing mascara to avoid breaking or pulling off your lashes.

You don’t really have to look completely washed out every time you leave your office. Just keep these easy tricks in mind, and you’ll be able to look as lovely as when you started your day.


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