6 Things Your Gynaecologist Wish You Knew

Every woman must see a gynaecologist at some point in their life, whether for maternity care or general reproductive health care. However, there is no denying the fact that it’s an extremely intimate experience, which can make you feel overly self-conscious and nervous at the same time. And while it’s perfectly normal to feel shy especially during your first gynaecology visit, it has the potential to hold you back from sharing important information and asking essential questions that may be necessary for a proper treatment.


On the other hand, your gynae wants you to know that there’s nothing you should be shy or afraid of. They have provided medical assistance to women from pregnancy to menopause, and your case is nothing like something they have never dealt before. So, when you go for your next gynaecology visit, your doctor wants you to know these things before you decide hiding some of your reproductive concerns.

1. Feeling Itchy Is Not Normal

Feeling itchy in the nether region is a sign that’s something is off down there. Sometimes, it could be because of hair growth or sensitivity to a new feminine wash, but intense itching with burning-like sensation is enough to call your gynae for a check-up.

If you are sexually active, your doctor may have to run an STD (sexually transmitted disease) test to narrow down the causes, but remember that imbalance in the pH level can also cause itchiness and symptoms same to those of STDs. Depending on the result of the test after you have visit Thomson Medical gynaecologists in Singapore and you healthcare expert’s diagnoses, you may be required to take antibiotics to treat the problem.

2. Unusual Smells Also Signify Something’s Wrong

Although strange smells can also be due to hormonal changes, particularly before and after having your period, it could also mean that there’s an infection going on. Because it is only you who’s fully aware of what’s going on in your body, be sensitive with the changes that are happening.

If you notice unusual smell, your healthcare expert would certainly want to know about this. Even if the topic makes you feel extremely uncomfortable, it’s important to bring this up to your gynae’s attention, so she can check whether it’s an STD, bacterial infection or just hormonal. If you are unsure about anything that’s causing a health issue, as what experts say, “when in doubt, check it out.”

3. Herpes Is Far Common Than You Think

According to statistics, about one in every five adult women has herpes, and nearly half of those affected show no symptoms and are completely unaware that they are carrier of the virus. This infection spreads rapidly perhaps because it can be contracted both in the genitals and in the mouth.

However, the good news is that there are plenty of anti-viral medications that people diagnosed with herpes can now use. As long as you’re completely honest with your healthcare provider, you will receive the right treatment before the problem gets out of control.

Female Having An Abdomen Ultrasound

4. PMS are Normally Uncomfortable

When it’s ‘that’ time of the month again, you will surely know. Affecting more than one in every three women, pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS is a reproductive condition that occurs when the hormones fluctuate before the period comes. PMS symptoms can include mood swings, bloating, headache, acne, abdominal cramps, and lower back ache, and can be mild to extremely unpleasant.

So what can you do? Avoid stress and make sure to let your gynaecologist know about your PMS symptoms. She can prescribe a medication or do further tests on you to find out whether it’s a sign of a more serious health issue.

5. 30 Is Not the Cut-Off Age for Pregnancy

When it comes to maternity, you’re probably aware how the society puts the pressure on the age of 30. It’s no surprise why many women assume that it will be much harder to have a baby once you reach 30.

Although it’s true that a woman’s fertility declines with age, most fertility problems such as poor quality eggs and miscarriage risks have greater chance of arising at the age of 35 and above. However, that doesn’t also mean that natural and healthy pregnancy is impossible in the late 30s. If you’re around 35 and still planning to have a child, don’t hesitate to mention this to your gynae.

6. You Don’t Have To Be Shy About Your Body

When your doctor examines your private parts, believe it or not, she’s doing it as she would examine other parts of your body. There’s nothing much your doctor has not seen, and everything she’s about to see on you is normal, so there’s no need for you to feel shy.

Another thing that your doctor doesn’t want you to feel shy or afraid about is sharing to them the number of sexual partners you have had. This is not something your healthcare expert wants to know just out of curiosity. She needs this information in order to assess your health and create a healthcare plan that’s most suited for you. In a conservative society, like here in Singapore, women often hesitate to provide this information, but doctors need to ask this question for healthcare purposes, thereby making it a significantly vital query.

Hopefully, these facts help boost your confidence for your next gynaecology check-up. Remember that the hospital and your doctor’s clinic is a judgment-free zone. No matter what your sexual history or reproductive health status is, rest assured your gynaecologist isn’t making moral judgments behind your back.


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