Photography Techniques

How to Capture Great Moments on Camera


Indeed, a picture paints a thousand words. This is probably the reason why most Singaporeans take pictures at clubs and post it digitally. With pictures, we do not need words to express or explain things because it is implicit and we just love the way it is. As much as possible, we want to capture precious moments but what if we do not have the talent of photographers?


Of course we can still capture precious moments even if we are not photographers. The good thing is that taking picture is universal – because it is not only for limited and exclusive people. Even if we are not educated and familiar with the art of photography, we can still enjoy it.

If we are serious about taking pictures during parties, we can go to photography classes but if we do not want to spend a dime, we can scour online sources and see what we can learn from it. Why not start with this?

  • Do not use flash: We know that bars and clubs are dim-lit and our instinct is to use flash when taking pictures. It can be that way but the burst of light will totally ruin the mood of the party and the atmosphere will not be captured. We have to be mindful that clubs have reflective surfaces and the flash will surely bounce off- what a bummer.


  • Look for the lights: According to a famous supermodel, Tyra Banks, the lights are the model’s best friend. Whilst we are not supermodels, we can benefit from Tyra’s words. Instead of using flash, why not look for the lights instead? The challenge here is the changing patterns of lights. So, before anything else, we have to observe the light patterns first before indulging to pictures.


  • Play with settings: We should know our camera’s setting so we will know what to choose. There are different cameras with particular modes like night mode or sports mode. If all else fails, we can go back to black and white or sepia.


  • Take lots of photos: The best way is to take lots of pictures and decide later. We should not worry if some will not turn out okay – we will eventually get lucky and have a great one.

Even professional photographers find it hard take pictures during parties so we should not be ashamed of our skills. We will see that things will get better if we practice a lot. Capturing great moments with friends at parties is now possible.
