Tips on Beating Your Cravings Effectively

Cravings are normal. Sometimes you indulge yourself, sometimes you let it pass. If you let it pass, you are in control but if you indulge yourself to the point of binge eating, you will have bigger problems at the end of the day. Here in Singapore, you can simply tolerate your cravings by going to food centres, hawker centres and restaurants.


However, if you are having problems with your cravings, it is time that you learn a few tricks on beating your cravings effectively. Overcoming the desire to eat is challenging but if you are serious about beating it, you will succeed. To help you get started, here are some tips:

1.       Learn the value of willpower. Nothing beats a strong willpower. If you have the determination to control your cravings, you will have no problems at the end of the day. Sometimes you feel powerless and you are unable to resist. When this happens, trust your willpower and it will do the rest.

 2.       Incorporate healthy carbs. If you have carb cravings, the best way to deal with it is to incorporate healthy carbs. Healthy carbs include whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Healthy carbs can help tame your cravings because it regulates serotonin production.


 3.       Establish regular eating patterns. You think of food when you are hungry. If you are serious about beating your chronic craving, you have to clearly establish a regular eating pattern. You have to include three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two snacks. That should do for a Singaporean like you.

 4.       Use your imagination. When you find yourself craving for something, you need to use your imagination. For instance, when you are craving for bread, you can simply think of other pleasurable things like going to the beach or watching movies.

 5.  Learn what substitution is all about. If the craving is there, the best strategy is to find the healthiest substitution. If you eat just anything as a substitute, that will not matter. If you opt for healthy foods as a substitute, you will surely enjoy it. The best part is you will not regret it afterwards because it is healthy.

Cravings are indeed part of life. Who hasn’t at some point in his/her life experienced it? When you eat foods with sugar or salt, the brain will release dopamine which makes you good. Your cravings can also be attributed to the smell because when your brain interprets the smell, it automatically recalls the happy feeling.

With everything you uncovered, hopefully you can now effectively beat your cravings. It is not easy especially if the temptations are imminent but once you set your mind to it, nothing is impossible. Good luck!



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