Internet Security

How to Protect Yourself from Facebook Scams

Before Twitter and Instagram, Facebook reigned supreme over the social media. Nearly everyone here in Singapore have their Facebook account. Even young Singaporeans have their own account in Facebook. Facebook is the means of people to show what they do and what they are. There are other groups who do not consider Facebook because it exposes you to security threats.   


If you do not prefer Facebook, that is okay but if you do not want to deprive yourself of the good things Facebook brings, you should consider Facebook. Although there are Facebook scams present, you can do something about it to protect yourself. You should know that everyone can be a victim of scam. That is the reality. In fact, thousands of people are victimized.

You have to be wary. Spotting a scammer is difficult especially if you cannot physically see them and talk to them face to face. However, do not lose hope because here are some easy tips that you can consider to avoid scammers:

  • Communication is ambiguous: You will know if it is a scam if the communication is ambiguous or unclear. You will notice that the messages are repeated. Sometimes the messages make no sense at all. There are times that the messages are hard to understand.


  • Some facts are missing: When you are telling the truth, everything should make sense and the facts should be there. Scammers often forget to give details why they need help. You have to look out for that. Details are important because it will shed light. If it is not provided, do not respond to that person.


  • Different people using one profile: If you notice that there are different people using one profile, it should give you a warning. You will know that different people are using one profile if the tome, words and the grammar are changing throughout your conversation.


  • It is all about the money: When you talk to scammers, money is always the issue. They will be insistent that they need money and they need your help. They do not require many things but money. They will even make promises. There are scammers who will try to get your credit card number.

These are just simple red flags. There are more brilliant people who will try to conceal everything so you won’t suspect. Just remember this: if you do not know the person asking for money online, do not give money no matter the reason or the story.
