Fake It ‘Til You Make IT: 5 Ways to Fake Thicker and Fuller Hair

Let’s just face it: Getting gorgeous hair is luck of the draw. Since our genes control the texture of our hair, there’s only so much that we can do – and for fine-haired gals, this can be downright depressing. No need to worry though, because even if it’s impossible to thicken your individual strands, these tricks will surely help you make the most out of what you have.


  1. Layer Strategically. Layering can be a good way to make your strands look thicker, but too much of it can also cause your hair to appear even thinner. What you need is to have a good balance in your haircut: the lightness on the top and the heaviness at the bottom. Also, ensure to have your ends cut in blunt to create an illusion of thicker hair.


  1. Go Easy on Hair Products. If you have thin or fine hair, then you should know better than overusing hair products. The chemicals in shampoos, hair treatments and hair sprays are what weighs your hair down and leaves your roots looking flat. To avoid this, make sure to only squeeze out product that’s as big as a coin, or as the volume of your hair requires.


  1. Use Dry Shampoo Once in a While. Have a dry to normal scalp? Then you can just shampoo your hair every other day. When your roots start to look and feel oily, just sprinkle some dry shampoo and use your fingers to work it into your hair. Not only will it leave you feeling refreshed, it’ll also give you added volume instantly.


  1. Blow Dry Correctly. Another simple trick to get fuller locks is to blow-dry it in the opposite direction of its growth pattern. Doing so will help in creating more volume rather than pointing your dryer in the direction your strands naturally lay.


  1. Try Wave Lengths. Big waves and curls are another quick fix for limp locks. Use your curling iron or hot roller s to curl sections of your hair, then set it with a hair spray. Even if the curls drop at the end of the day, the texture it left is already enough to create an illusion of fullness.

Having fine or thin hair can be really frustrating, but with these easy and simple tricks, you can now turn your limp locks to a lush of fuller strands.


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