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The Negative Effects of Abortion

There is an act here in Singapore (called Termination of Pregnancy Act) that necessitates most women to consider pre abortion counselling. According to the Senior Minister (of State for Health) Dr. Khor, the number of abortions performed here has declined since 2006. In 2006, there were about 12302 cases of abortion but in 2012, significant increase was noted – there were about 10624 cases of abortion. If you are pregnant and you are contemplating about abortion, you need to undergo counselling.


Your counsellor will create a picture of the effects of this crucial decision. It is important that you carefully consider the negative effects of abortion to include:

1. Isolation

There are women who avoid other people because of their decision Eventually, the avoidance patterns will result to isolation.

2. Irritability or aggressiveness

Your annoyance to others who are questioning your decision is not a good way to cope up. Sometimes, you just ignore them but sometimes, you become aggressive or violent to prove your point.


3. Sleeping problems

If you feel that you made the wrong decision, you will not sleep well. Other people say that it is your conscience that is bugging you. You might experience insomnia, nightmares and you can hear a baby crying.

4. Eating disorders

When you are not feeling good physically or emotionally, it is either you eat too much or you eat less. If you eat too much, you will gain more weight. If you eat less, you will get sick.


5. Back/abdominal pains

Sometimes, you will experience back/abdominal pains. Even if the abortion is successful, there will always be side effects. There are other people who experienced skin irritations. You need to endure it and live by your decision.

6. Trauma and depression

Women cope differently. Abortion is a major life event – it can affect you no matter how you convince yourself that you made the right decision. You will be traumatized or depressed.

If you still want to push through, you need to be physically and emotionally ready because this is not easy. Whatever decision you consider, you have to live with it.

The AFC Asian Cup

There is no doubt that football is Singapore’s number one sports. Everyone is tuning in to the 2015 AFC Asian Cup. Singapore is looking forward to win over Syria in the qualifying rounds on November 15,2013. The Singapore’s team has high hopes to win over Syria and give them back to back defeat. Bernd Stange’s team moved 3rd in Group A. The second place is Jordan which is only ahead of two points from the team. It doesn’t matter if you are a football fan or not, it would be beneficial if you know about AFC Asian Cup. Do not be apathetic and take time to know more about this.



The Asian Cup is a football tournament managed by AFC (Asian Football Confederation). It was founded in 1956 and it is considered the second oldest regional championships around the world. It was agreed that オンライン カジノ the tournament will be held every four years like European Foot ball Championship, Summer Olympic Games and other major tournaments. The tournament is joined by 16 teams. The most recent team is from Australia who joined the tournament in 2007.



As mentioned earlier, there are 16 teams. These teams are comprised of the best football players in their own countries. Each team vies for the AFC Asian Cup championship. The champion will automatically qualify for the FIFA World Cup. The FIFA World Cup is the ultimate dream of football players. The champions for 2011 AFC Asian Cup was Japan. There are other successful teams like Iran, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Israel.


The Importance of Sports

According to the acting Minister for the Culture, Community and Youth, Lawrence Wong, the forthcoming SEA (South East Asia) Games and Singapore Sports Hub in 2015 can become a vehicle that can bring more support for sports here in Singapore.

The development of sports is crucial in the community. Many people see sports important. If you have a child and you want to provide him/her positive opportunities while growing, indulging them to sports activities will be a good start. What is the importance of sports? Here are some ideas:


Good Sportsmanship

Good sportsmanship is not only applicable in the court or field because it can also be applied in real life. When you talk about sportsmanship, it means respect for others, graciousness in losing and playing fair. If your child learns this at an early stage, he/she will surely survive anything.

Build Confidence

Sports can build the confidence オンライン カジノ ゲーム of your child. If your child has lesser coordination, sports can hone his/her skills. As time goes by, he/she will be more confident thereby improving his/her play. If your kid is having fun, he/she will be better.

Learning Experience

Whether your kid is watching TV or actually playing it, he/she will consider that every game is a learning experience. For example, by watching a game, your kid will learn about mathematical concepts (e.g. scoring). Sportsmanship is also learned.

However too much of something is bad enough. There are some parents having problems with their children playing because it distracts them from their school performance or accomplishments. If you notice that sports are getting in the way of your child’s school performance, it is important that you guide him/her.

Taking Actions Against Violence

Violence against women and children is forbidden. Any actions that can undermine the physical, emotional and mental health of women and children should be apprehended but not all women and children stand against violence. Sadly, there are women and children who are not willing to report their case because they are either afraid or they feel that they have no choice but to endure it and hope that the abuser gets tired of doing it.

Reporting violence especially if it is your husband or your father is not easy but it should be dealt with. We should get rid of violence. Women and children should not let violence take over their life and eventually their future. So, how can you take actions against violence?


1. Talk to relatives or friends

It is not easy to open up but it is a necessary step towards self liberation. Talk to your relatives or friends about it. Do your best because they are the オンライン カジノ people who can help you.

2. Report the case

You should build your strength for you and your kids. You may be afraid but reporting the case is an important step too. There is a dedicated desk in every police station for cases of violence against women and their children.

3. Build your self-esteem and self worth

When you get beatings all the time, your self esteem and self worth will be destabilized. There are women and children are not the same when they are abused. It does not mean that you do your best to be the same but it means that you do your best to build your self esteem and self worth for the new you.

4. Get outside help

Apart from your relatives and friends, you need someone who can understand you and has an idea of what you are going through. You can go and get outside help. There are many therapists out there who are willing to lend a hand. There are support groups that you can join. They will not judge.

Of course, it is easier said than done but it is important that this is stopped if not totally eliminated.

The Characteristics of a Liveable City

Singapore came in 52 out of 140 major cities ranking of the world’s most liveable city. This is according to The Economist magazine. The number one spot goes to Melbourne, Australia followed by Vienna, Austria and then Vancouver, Canada. The term “liveable city” describes the quality of life of the people plus the characteristics of cities which can make them liveable. There are other groups that consider standard of living as a measure.


There are many rankings these days such as The Economist, Monacle and Forbes. The rankings differ but generally, when you say liveable city, it refers to:

  • Employment – If a city generates jobs more than it losses, the city is a liveable one. Of course, people need jobs. If there are casino many jobs available in a certain city, many people will come to there and even consider migrating.
  • Crime rate – The government should do its best to keep the citizens safe. If the city has a low crime rate, more people will flock to live there because they feel safe and secured.
  • Public servants – If the city has a pool of public servants that respond quickly, the city is appealing.
  • Affordable public transport – If the city provides its people with an accessible and affordable public transport, many will surely consider it. The movement of people will be facilitated.
  • Infrastructure – If the place has top of the line infrastructure projects, it means development and growth. Infrastructures are symbolic. Many people will be confident to seek opportunity if they see infrastructurs.
  • Tax rates – If the place offers low tax rates to businessmen, it is definitely liveable. The low tax rates will encourage more business in the place. More business means more job generation.
  • Health – Of course, the health should never be neglected. When a place provides quality health care and standard hospitals, many people will surely go there and get treatments.

The Elements of a Liveable City

For your information, according to The Economist magazine’s ranking of the world’s most liveable cities, Singapore came in number 52. There are 140 major cities. The number 1 spot landed to Melbourne, Australia then Vienna, Australia and the third spot goes to Vancouver, Canada. When you speak of “liveable city” it generally describes the quality of life or the standard of living of the people. There are elements that make a city liveable.


The ranking was given by the Economist but you should know that there are other ranking agencies out there each with different notions about “liveable cities”. There’s the Forbes.com and the new Monacle. Regardless of your references, explaining a liveable city should be easily understood. So, what makes a city liveable? Here are simple elements of a liveable city:

  • Jobs – Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the generation of jobs. People flock in a specific city because they can see more job opportunities.
  • Health and Security – The city should strengthen its health care system. The hospitals or the health care system of a “liveable city” is beyond compare. To add, the people should also feel secured. This means more responsive public servants and lower crime rates.
  • Public transport – The city should offer accessible and affordable public transport.
  • Infrastructure – Infrastructures are powerful symbols of stability.
  • Tax – If the city offers low tax rates, more business will come. If you encourage more business, you also increase job creation or generation.

Whether your city belongs to the rankings or not, you should be thankful for what it can give you. In that light, you should help the environment foster it. You can have your share of development if you help your city achieve its maximum potential.

How the Governments Deal with Haze Problems

The governments of Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have agreed to institute a trilateral union. The union is part of the effort of the three countries to discuss the haze condition and its solution. If you might recall, Indonesia didn’t sign the Transboundary Haze Pollution. Singapore is hoping that Indonesia will reconsider its signing and ratification. The president of Indonesia was very keen on apologizing to Malaysia and Singapore for the haze problem and he promised to tackle this problem with his ministers.


What are the efforts of Singapore’s government to tackle this serious problem? Here is a look:

Persuading neighbours

The burden of minimizing the haze and its emission does not only fall to Singapore. Other neighbouring countries should also tackle the problems and do their best to implement long term solutions.

Review the options

Singapore implemented actions against haze but reviews and possible changes should take place. The continuous reviews and changes can make a big difference at the end of the day.


Diplomacy is an important conduct when you are dealing with other foreign countries. Diplomacy also means maintaining friendly relationships. When sorting things out, each country involved should approach it constructively to avoid misunderstanding and rift.

Indeed the way the world works is confusing and complex. There are many things to be considered before making a decision especially if it involves other governments or countries. If it is a foreign policy, it should be discussed appropriately and seriously. The government is doing its best not to put pressure on other countries because it might create tensions at the end of the day. The haze problems are thoroughly discussed and possible solutions are drafted.

Discussing the Haze Problem

There are guidelines when you deal with other countries to avoid conflict and tension. In the case of the worsening haze problems in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, issues should be discussed thoroughly without compromising the friendly relations. The President of Indonesia took the first step by apologizing to Singapore for causing the haze mishap. Singapore is hoping that Indonesia will now reconsider the signing and ratification of the agreement, which tackles about the Transboundry Haze pollution. If you remember, Indonesia didn’t sign the agreement.


It is said that the government of Indonesia is doing its オンライン カジノ best to mitigate and resolve the problem. When you deal with other countries, you should know what to do to prevent any tension. You should practice diplomacy. Diplomacy is the management of relationships and communication between nations. Diplomacy is also considered a code of conduct between nations and its leaders. If you are a diplomat, you should be skilful in handling or dealing things to avoid any hostility. You should:

Know the story

Knowing the two sides of the story and its history is crucial so you will know what to do and how to react on it. Do not just comment without thinking about it. Remember that whatever you say or do can implicate your country and it can cause conflicts.

Discuss the solution with your panel

If there is something that you need to decide over, make sure to relay it to your panel or to the proper entity.

Make sure that the decisions will favour all sides

It is very hard to find a solution that will favour all sides but it is possible.

Being a diplomat is not easy but it is the best way to deal with issues and problems. Talks are best than tanks and guns.

Feed Your Soul

If you are a music enthusiast, you consider music as the food for the soul and the only solution is to feed it. Here in Singapore, there are many places that you can visit to indulge your ears and your soul of course. You can simply refer to the following list:


Singapore Symphony Orchestra

SSO (Singapore Symphony Orchestra) is notable not only in the region but also in the world for its musical performances. The orchestra is comprised of 96 members. The tickets for SSO performances are always sold out. The orchestra recently released albums of Bright Sheng, Chen Yi, Richard Yardumian, Seascapes and many more.

SSO lies in Victoria Concert Hall. You can check their website at SSO.org.sg.

Malay Music

If you want to hear Malay Music, you can simply turn your TV on モバイル カジノ and look for Malay variety shows. Malay Music talks about the love of a man and woman depicted by means of lyric poems. Malay dancers will show you colourful props and dances that best illustrate their traditions.

Singapore Chinese Orchestra

SCO (Singapore Chinese Orchestra) is distinguished for its performing standards. The orchestra is comprised of 75 members. The orchestra performed to major international events like the 2003 International Summit of Arts Council, World Economic Forum and the 2006 International Monetary Fund Meeting.

SCO lies in Singapore Conference Hall. You can check their website at SCO.com.sg.

When you witness the performances, you will experience a world class entertainment. There are other places aside from the ones mentioned above that you can visit. If you are interested, you can check for performance schedules and local listings.